The Super Green Eco Team met last Friday, January 16th and discussed several important topics:
Alex suggested we have a plant sale instead of a bake sale. This idea was supported by all members. Michele suggested we hold a plant sale during our Earth Week Celebration. Suzie & Michele will speak with Alex's mom, a plant store owner, about how to make this happen.
- During our discussion about how to improve recycling in the cafeteria, Alyanna, Ava and James noted that there were not a lot of signs identifying the recycling bins. We've decided to paint large signs to hang all over the cafeteria, so there should be no confusion.
- Penny suggested we change the light bulbs in the hallways to more environmentally friendly bulbs. This issue will be brought up to Shawn.
- Lucy, Miriam, and Lucianna were very concerned about the use of styrofoam trays in the cafeteria. Everyone agreed. This is an ongoing issue and further discussion will take place to come up with some sort of action.
- Kathryn suggested we try to get more recycled school supplies. Several other students were interested in this as well. Suzie and three members are going to create a sub committee to try to get eco school supplies to sell at the school store and have packages of these supplies available to parents next September.
- Reesa and Julian brought up the issue of the leaky water fountains around the school and what a waste of water it is. Shawn, PS40's head custodian, spoke to the group and explained that the fixtures were all very old and would be replaced through out the school within the next few months.
- Roy, Daniel, and Sarah said their inspections had gone well. Suzie handed out to all the members (inspectors) the new Badges with the 2009 winning logo. We should start seeing them on classroom doors soon.
- Olivia, Alex, and Kathryn spoke thoughtfully about creating a garden either on the roof or in the courtyard. In the garden they suggested growing plants that would bear fruit that could be served in the cafeteria. A lively discussion followed. Olivia, Alex, and Kathryn were asked to write a summary of their ideas to be discussed further in the hopes we will be able to implement this plan.
At our next meeting, Friday January 30 we will discuss:
- Paint signs for the Sport Night's recycled sports equipment table
- classroom inspections
- how to study the reusable water bottle usage in each class
- the garden summaries
- school supply committee
- Earth Week, March 2-6
- bagels and cream cheese will be served